TWENTY-THREE MILLION AMERICANS deal with some form of addiction and for every one of those twenty-three million addicts they affect SEVEN people. Thats a staggering number and one we cannot ignore. Chances are that you have either dealt with addiction or have been affected by someone else's addiction. Those numbers make me passionate about how out of control addiction is and how so many more of us need to get involved.
I spent time reading a book this winter called "His Healing Power" by Lilian B. Yeomans. She was a woman before her time, an addict to morphine who tried to detox herself fifty-seven times and it drove her to madness. She was a medical doctor. The madness eventually got her institutionalized and its there that she began to delve into the fact that healing was hers from God. But in the first few pages she wrote some things that grabbed and made me cry. I will leave you with that quote to give you insight into the desperation one feels when consumed by addiction and unable to help themselves. "Though I dreamed day and night of freedom the dream seemed impossible of realization. I said to myself, it will take something stronger than death to deliver me, for the hold of this hideous thing is far deeper than my physical being" Dr. Lilian B. Yeomans.
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