My son posted this picture the other day, and put a message beside it that said "Jesus doesnt hide his heart". Which I loved immediately because I am all about an open heart. Yet I had realized that I had begun to hide mine after some disappointments and let downs. I was holding back what I felt, whether it was good or bad.
I had a day yesterday where God literally stopped my car in parking lot and put a complete stranger in front of me that helped me. But this stranger wasnt there to help me with my car I dont think. As we talked about what was wrong and why my Jeep just died, we got side tracked into talking about life. I always say that I can go to Walmart and come out with a new best friend. I never meet a stranger.
This man was unassuming and so kind and gentle in spirit and offerered to help without me even asking. He said some things to me that made me stop and tear up and noticed that and he said "everything is gonna be o.k.! God didnt cause this to happen in your life, but He is gonna send someone to take care of it in His time". And when he said that it was like my heart was unlocked and opened up to listen and to see and feel again.
He jump started my car. I ran by the Auto Zone and had my battery checked. Turns out it was my battery which was still under warranty and I got a free replacement. So that whole experience of my battery dying didn't cost me anything but some time. But it caused me to be put into the hands of a complete stranger and open my heart and talk and from that the rest of the day was just a handful of things that happened that was just from me simply having an open heart.
It was everything from that experience to someone telling me they want to be the kind of mom I am to someone from long ago telling me about a wonderful memory they have of me that they have held for years close to their heart. And it was all because I opened my heart to these people and in return they opened theirs to me. I can hardly wait to see what happens next!
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